KA1 "Még több innováció és High-Tech a modern oktatásért" 2016-2018 projekt

KA1 "Még több innováció és High-Tech a modern oktatásért" 2016-2018 projekt

A korábbi években a külföldi képzésekre főként nyelvtanárok jelentkeztek, de ma már elengedhetetlen, hogy a szakmai tárgyakat, az IKT-t, vagy az érettségi tárgyakat oktatók is jól beszéljenek legalább egy idegen nyelvet, de a mai kor elvárása, hogy a pedagógusok is minimum alapfokon magabiztosan tudjanak kommunikálni valamilyen idegen nyelven. A hamarosan lezáruló projekt résztvevői ezúttal Máltán és Spanyolországban sajátíthatták el a legmodernebb módszereket a turizmus, az IKT és az angol tárgyakhoz kapcsolódóan, amelyek már nem nélkülözhetik a 21. század digitális technológiáit sem.

A technika hihetetlenül gyors fejlődése az oktatásban is meg kell, hogy mutatkozzon valamilyen formában. Ezt csak úgy érhetjük el, hogy nyitottak vagyunk az innovációra és minél hamarabb beépítjük a képzéseken elsajátított újdonságokat a minden napos oktatásba. Ennek köszönhetően olyan célkitűzéseket valósíthattunk meg az iskola minőségi arculatában, mint a tanulóközpontú oktatás, a tanulók motivációjának és továbbtanulási szándékának növelése, vagy az iskolaelhagyók létszámának csökkentése. A bátran alkalmazott technikák és módszerek azonban csak úgy lesznek igazán hatékonyak és eredményesek, ha azokat minél több tanártársunk megismeri és alkalmazza, tehát nagyon lényeges eleme a folyamatnak a tudás megosztása.

Mi ezt több alkalmas belső IKT továbbképzéssel, videóvetítéssel fűszerezett beszámolókkal, illetve fenntartható ökoturizmus témát feldolgozó bemutató órák megtartásával értük el. Az iskolán kívül pedig számos szakmai délutánon vettünk részt, ahol tapasztalatainkat és módszereinket szívesen adtuk át más budapesti szakgimnáziumok tanulóinak és tanáraiknak.

Kovács Attiláné

Projekt koordinátor

Summary of the project

In the background of our project there was the endeavour for renewal as well as the motivation for professional development. We still would like to keep going with the institutional traditions, participation in different international co-operation (Erasmus + KA1 and KA2). Even after closing the project, we believe that the short-term and long-term goals of the institution will continue to play a major role in quality work and internationalization to be achieved by the conscious planning and dissemination of professional, methodological and foreign language training, taking into account new expectations and requirements. International training courses have been carried out at the European level by the participants of the institution. Thanks to the learning outcomes, we found that the majority of disadvantaged students and pupils with lower-level skills were more likely to be caught up, early school dropouts slightly but were diminished and more students could cope with new subjects much more smoothly, moreover the number of the newcomers increased. The aim of the institution is to improve foreign language skills, ICT competence and professional methodology and integrate modern student-centered forms into the Pedagogical Program is in process. We hope that with the development of professional methodology and foreign language and ICT competencies, we have made the quality of school education sustainable for long term. Eight training courses were completed and three colleagues took part in job shadowing activity where they could improve their leadership, administrational and coordinator skills and strengthen their professional attitudes. Thus, we made 11 mobilities out of the available budget. An English language teacher, four teachers in the field of tourism and business subjects and a teacher of History and ICT participated in the trainings abroad. In the job shadowing activity three people took part, the head of the institution, the school administrator and the coordinator. This kind of activity was not included in the original application, but the budget framework let us implement it, so we gained more professional experience while getting an insight into the educational process of the host institution and also visiting the practical venues. We set our goals according to our expectations. The commitments we made have been fulfilled in accordance with the plans after the mobilities. Presentations, videos, reports were introcuced for the whole staff and the smaller teaching community. We have shared innovative techniques and methods by internal ICT trainings and tutorial lessons, so that every colleague can use them in their own lessons. To promote these activities, we also created a newsletter that we've exposed  at several places in the school, including the website. In the English Methodology and Business English course we received a large collection of curricula and related online links and sites which were uploaded into the school curriculum which is available for all English specialists. Beyond our school we have presented our learning outcomes and shared the most important project activities for the branch institutions several times. Good practices have been shared with the branch schools’ representatives as well in the so called afternoons of dissemination programmes.We placed teachers' reports and pictures of mobilities on the project wall and the information of the project, publication, video and photos on the project website were uploaded on the school website. The project was evaluated in a project closing event where we played a summary video and a project satisfaction test was also filled by every participant. Thanks to the trainings participants of the trainings have become more familiar with European culture,  more confident and professional language users. In our opinion the effective co-operation, excellent communication and mentoring of members led to a very good community, respecting each other's work and knowledge, where everyone has developed its own personality, entrepreneurship, autonomy and teacher satisfaction, which we believe is a long-term advantage in our school life. There were also some perceptible effects on the students which brought us quality changes in English, ICT, History and in A-level subjects. The number of pre-examinations in intermediate and advanced level from English and ICT was increased. We were informed about much more intermediate language certifications made by students than we had in previous academic years. The use of new techniques boosted the students’ motivation and interest, which also had a positive impact on their learning outcomes and self-esteem. We believe that with these qualitative changes the project has had an impact on the whole institution and staff which will strongly help the students to be successful with achieving their aims in the labor market and / or in their higher education.


Budapesti Gazdasági SZC Vásárhelyi Pál Technikum

1212 Budapest, Széchenyi utca 95.

+36 1 278 30 60


OM azonosító: 203061/021

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